
Forward to the Zero Emissions Future

Emett's Blog (24)

11 Ways To Improve Ones Environmental Impact; Questions and Behaviours:

Briauna asked: Hey guys, anyone have any fun and easy tips or tricks to improve environmental impact? Substitutions in purchases or behavior? TIA!"  Well... guess what, I do.  Answers are highly general and abstract, but that's me and my voice:

1) Goal: Minimize both waste and energy in your…


Added by Emett on October 1, 2019 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Updated Unpollute web landing

I'm not having the control of the mobile version like I'd like. But this ning site looks pretty good on a PC / Web browser!!!

I updated the site description blurb.  I think it's cool.  It was "Promoting a Greener and Healthier You! Everybody needs Transportation, Food, And Energy! Save yourself, save money, save the planet," but now it's refreshed.

Supporting and Choices are very good  new words to start explaining Unpollute.  :)  Everybody needs Transportation, Food, and…


Added by Emett on February 1, 2019 at 3:11pm — No Comments

RePost: Over 1170 Condemn Retraction and Pledge Elsevier Boycott

ISIS Report 11/12/13

Over 1170 Condemn Retraction and Pledge Elsevier Boycott

An open letter protesting journal retraction of Seralini study and pledging to boycott publishing giant Elsevier attracted  1 175 signatures in less than a week Dr Mae-Wan Ho and Prof Peter Saunders

Please circulate widely and repost, but…


Added by Emett on December 13, 2013 at 7:00am — No Comments

Fun Biking. You just don't get to enjoy this stuff driving...


Hey, cool I stuck a video in a blog... fancy.  Remember, I'm new at this... 


Added by Emett on November 23, 2013 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Proper Awesome

Hope everyone gets their day in the sun.

Peace! Love! Light!


Added by Emett on May 24, 2013 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Bike Commute Challenge Time

Hit the link on Unpollute's front page (left side) and check these out:


Bike%20Commute%20Challenge%20Kickoff%20Flyer.pdf   Getting it going.


Bike%20Commute%20Challenge%20Flyer.pdf  All the info you need.

Added by Emett on August 28, 2012 at 7:26am — No Comments

Unpollute means Advocating Environmentalism!

Feel free to give money to unpollute, it is fraud proof because it's simple.  I will keep it honest and financially  transparent.   Donated money will go to pay the Ning bill, then Unpollute-dot-Com domain bill, next a Ning Upgrade, then a new computing device, and last but not least the Offset Project known as Unpollute invented by yours truly... Unpollute boils down to funding individuals and businesses to use  daily alternative  or Zero Emission transportation methods and to participate…


Added by Emett on February 22, 2012 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

An article about Pollution's Favorite US Cities.

Sometimes I feel like it's cheating just to post links... but it's better than nothing.

This first one is to the article "America's Dirtiest Cities" at Forbes.com written by Christopher Helman.

Some of the comments left at…

Added by Emett on November 18, 2010 at 2:43am — No Comments

Carbon Neutrality

CarbonFree Blog

http://www.carbonfund.org has motivated me to blog again. For the "price" of me posting a blog with a link, that is "free!" they are offering to fund an offset project enough to offset my blog for a…

Added by Emett on September 12, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Unpollute PDX

My Unpollute Bill is a key solution to climate change and other worldly issues. But now rewritten as a overall charter, I can use it as a template to move along through my business plan.

Locally, I plan to start "…


Added by Emett on September 7, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

GMO article on Change.org

This issue is of importance to me now. So here, read on or follow the link to the original page:

Saying No to GMOs


Added by Emett on March 8, 2010 at 4:56am — No Comments

Crossbar Passengers

I bike with my daughter on the crossbar of my road bike all the time, much like you see this with this guy and the girl in front:

I think it's kinda funny that I don't have an actual picture of us to share, but such is life... Don't worry, my passenger gets a helmet, something soft and fitted to sit on, sits straight on, not side-saddle, and has a place to set her feet. My tires aren't flat, but that's about the only thing that isn't currently… Continue

Added by Emett on October 13, 2009 at 6:27am — 1 Comment

Writings for MyCommuteSucks.org

I love biking to work and home. On the heavy traffic streets there is too much pollution from the cars, trucks, buses, and ultility vechicles. Even here in Portland, OR. School buses in the morning are scary-aggressive! Large vechicle drivers: please try to accelerate as smoothly as possible, you're wasting 20% or more of your fuel on those pointless fast-breaks from a stop. If you had to do the work instead of the engine then you'd go easier on… Continue

Added by Emett on June 17, 2009 at 4:48am — 1 Comment

Link Blog! Meet EcoSpeed...

EcoSpeed I tried 2 of these out and wow! No joke: wow! One was a lenghened for cargo/kids upright style bike and the other was a recumbent ttrike. Pretty fun! Great prices too. Now I know what to save for! (The cargo bike!) And I'd be home in about 20 minutes even being tired after work!

Green Glossary at GreenPosting.org. Another nice Portland site. …


Added by Emett on May 26, 2009 at 12:47am — No Comments

Good news in the news, PDX Green again...

Shelby Wood's PDX Green in the Oregonian lastest article is about Tax-Credits in the stimulus and in Oregon: A discount for plug-in hybrids and all-electrics that'll make you look twice and this article is full of great links, too.

And so I replied,

Wow, money for zero emission vehicles. Great! Do you think you can help find any info about tax credits and tax write-offs for… Continue

Added by Emett on February 17, 2009 at 5:09am — No Comments

The Mistress Fixed

The Mistress Fixed and other adventures. So she needed attention again, and I started the conversation with J, my wife, poorly. By the time I had acquired the parts I needed to fix my bike, my children were missing me and my wife was jealous. Well, then I spend hours just cleaning and taking apart my bike, making a huge mess of the entire back room, finding… Continue

Added by Emett on January 23, 2009 at 1:16pm — 1 Comment

Something else for Unpollute.Inc to do

Why must I have another new idea? Oh, the curse of thought...

Unpollute.Inc would like to make small business loans to people who would like to start up Zero Emission type businesses. Zero Emission transport, product production/distribution, services etc. Other Green businesses may also apply. Have a good business plan, Unpollute will be here to make you a small ($15,000 tops?) business loan to get it going...

Now I just need that grant or whatever to start up… Continue

Added by Emett on January 13, 2009 at 10:12am — No Comments

Tieing it together: Peacebuilding and the words of Deepak Chopra

Some things are more important than me, or my website. Well, many things are... and Peace is one of them. Indeed, an unpolluted world HAS to be a peaceful one. So I've joined a peace site and here's some stuff I'd like to relate to the world:

Spreading the word is what it's about... so here it goes:

John Wilmerding made the post called The Therory of Actice Peace on On iPeace -- which is now gone???

and Jean posted some words…


Added by Emett on January 4, 2009 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

Busy on the internet...

Are you busy on the Internet? It's so huge and full of wonderful things and people, I was wondering what YOU like the most lately? I'm still on Pandora Radio a lot, it does such a great job picking new music I've never heard but totally love, it's like an automatic personal DJ... and I like Pandora on so much that I've not really been a big a fan of videos on the net, 'cause I have to pause the music! arrg... but there's some good videos out there, I'm sure. I like the two on… Continue

Added by Emett on December 24, 2008 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Updated the site: Unpollute bill rewrite.

I rewrote and reposted the Unpollute Bill, I hope it's clearer now. please enjoy and I look forward to more of your comments. Check out the other great forums too, like this one: Carbon Nanotubes (don't forget to scroll down).

Time to bike in the cold...
Have a nice day everyone!

Added by Emett on December 14, 2008 at 8:07am — No Comments


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1st: Sign Up with your email and set your password. 2nd: Sign In, picking your ID, adding some info if you wish. Then just wait to be approved!  Once approved, enjoy the features of our social network and share your thoughts about environmentalism, clean energy, and our wonderful planet Earth.



The Unpollute Charter and my Highest Aspiration: to get cleaner air by giving you money to enable nonpolluting modes of transport and sustenance. Carbon offset credits to the people... that's the idea I call Unpollute!

13 discussions

Sustenance and Sustainability

What we eat and how it got to us, how it was grown, prepared, and/or packaged all matter. Sustainable products and industries will resist inflation and make the world and us healthier at the same time...

15 discussions

Zero Emissions Vehicles

Bikes, eBikes, Segways, skate boards, running shoes... Electric: cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, and even airplanes...

12 discussions

Zero Emissions Power Generation and Storage

Political, Scientific, and Technological advances discussed here. Links to great articles...

21 discussions

Green It Up

We already know that being "Greener" saves money and helps nature, but what green choices make the most impact? Link up your favorite green site or your blog here!

11 discussions

Bicycle Commuting / Cycling / Less Driving

So nice that I consider it a privilege and a luxury, bike commuting sounds challenging, until you just do it... Info to speed you along the learning curve of biking and non-car transport...

17 discussions


The solutions start with the reality. The reality is sobering....

8 discussions

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