
Forward to the Zero Emissions Future

Looks like I missed this one. Should be an interesting report. These "blank" discussions will get nice articles/reports written by myself or members, let me know if you'd like to take one and there's many easy ways for me to hand it off to you, They are just place holders for now...

But specifically because Nuclear Power leaves such a "bad taste in the mouth" and it is scary to some and the power and effort needed to mine and/or refine Uranium, and the toxic stuff itself, are far from Green, this is a perfect time for a little reminder to save.

Conserve power. Conserve car trips. Save money! Here's a site to help you do that:


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The killer thing about nuclear power is that it seems so cheap, but its non-subsidized, true cost is huge. A recent study placed it even higher than solar. The nice thing is that it's consistent, unlike many renewables. But I think we can find a better way.
Nuclear power's infrastructure is costly but less risky than using the world's petroleum reserves. Even the oil rich countries are turning to nuclear power because they know this is the way of the future. America needs to advance our commitment and make nuclear plants which are safe, faster to build, but less costly. Then we can enjoy an endless supply of hydrogen which is an excellent fuel for piston engine cars and trucks as well as a replacement for natural gas.
Cap and Trade pollution policies may support Nuclear... It's in the News, it Must Be True: Article, Wall Street Journal. Hmmm...
Emett, your reminder to save energy is wise and appropriate. We all need to keep this foremost in our thinking and energy use. Looking at the total energy needs of all developed and developing countries in the world reveals a scary picture for our future. If we compare the future use of petroleum fuels vs. nuclear fuels on the balance scale for the world's energy needs, it becomes clear that we have little choice but to develop nuclear electric power immediately. Any alternatives to nuclear power are collectively inadequate for the world's needs. Solar, wind, wave, and biofuels are excellent supplements for energy uses, but it is neither practical nor possible to depend on them for replacing petroleum fuels. As long as the countries of the world depend on importing petroleum energy there will be petroleum exporters that will struggle to take advantage of those needs. Nuclear cold fusion may be a solution in 50-100 years, but we cannot wait for that to be developed. Today the countries that move forward quickly with development of nuclear fission energy will have the best opportunity for success and survival. France is one country that has recognized this and moved forward. More countries need to do likewise.

Link up more energy efficiency...

Super easy household checks: http://www.ucsusa.org/publications/greentips/2012/greentips-october...

Even more info, Click here : http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/smart-energy-solutions/improve-e...



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