
Forward to the Zero Emissions Future

Daniel Korman
  • 42, Male
  • Thornton, CO
  • United States

Daniel Korman's Friends

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Daniel Korman's Discussions

Going solar!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Emett Dec 17, 2008. 5 Replies

Getting Started!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Daniel Korman Oct 30, 2008. 1 Reply


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About Me:
Just moved back from Colorado and now living in Oregon again!

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Daniel Korman's Blog

Bike Event!

Posted on February 21, 2011 at 7:37pm 1 Comment


I am thinking of setting up a bicycle event, and maybe even a BBQ event this spring and summer to help kick things off.

I was thinking Beginning or middle of June. I am thinking of making it a fund raiser of some sort to get this started.…


Radar Doppler is up!

Posted on October 28, 2008 at 6:26pm 0 Comments

Hey all Radar Doppler is up and running now on www.unpollute.ning.com site. It isn't a zip code entry one, but it works great for the Portland metro area. Pretty cool check it out.!

Whose bark is louder.

Posted on October 25, 2008 at 4:00pm 1 Comment

Who has the loudest bark the government or the people?

I would have to say both are equal unless you over power with more barks (my personal thought), but only one (government) can put something in effect. The cause is here now and is affecting all of us. Emett has a brilliant plan, lets try bringing it a reality. Any suggestions for any topic are always helpful. We have spoke about organics, pollution, wind power, solar power, alternate transportation (sky tram, buses, max, most of… Continue

Comment Wall (6 comments)

At 5:23am on October 28, 2008, Emett said…
Yes indeed, there's more to pollution than just what the transportation and energy sectors have been outputting. The RF question about the bees is a new angle to me, but I could see that as being a good guess, since nobody has really thought of that before. Maybe not so much in the the more and more wireless devices being the source of deadly RF to the bees, though, since insects are a famous for being able to withstand huge amounts of radiation. Also, since cellphones are now exclusively digital, it takes much less power to deliver the signal than in the analog days. And TVs are soon going digital too, and that will be another improvement. But there have been more and more microwave power transfer experiments (important if we're going to be able to beam solar power down from space, because the best big lasers lose 90% of their power in making the beam.) polluting focused microwaves accross the sky and over the oceans (so are the bees like following the beams to their demise over the seas?) RF is basically invisible to any life that I've heard of, so more likely some chemical (or noise) pollution or global warming has crossed a threshold that is interupting their life cycle.
Mad cow disease: prions are scary! This is caused by greed in a way. To save money they feed waste parts of animals to the cows and well... I just don't eat any cows or cow parts, so I'm good. You might do well to think about that for yourself and family... Cows and the beef industy are very bad for the environment anyway. If you really like to eat it though, then you just have to "source" your food very carefully. Buy orangic and reasearch or visit the farm your beef comes from and you'll have much more peace of mind.
Bird Flu: Chickens and pigs together on farms. Pigs can catch some bird viruses that we don't, and we can catch some flu viruses that the pigs get. That may provide a path for mutations that we can then catch. This seems to be the natural course of things and the overpopulation of humans and weakened immune systems of all earthlings caused by pollution may be the actual issue in this case... but it's probably coming someday-- pigs or no pigs.
Next: Bacteria are everywhere, and our immune systems are ready for them. Or we'd be dead already. Super bacteria are being generated and spread by our constantly attemping to kill 99.99% That leaves 1 in 10000 alive (the toughest one) with no competition for resources and soon you have nothing but tough ones. Kill 100% (with bleach or heat (steam, boiling water, etc) or just embrace the diversity of life! Diversity is protecting your gut (colon) right now! Kill off the good flora in your gut with antibiotics and you risk being killed in a couple of weeks by C Diff!
Ok, that was a lot. Thanks for the interesting question! Sorry about the out of touch thing, I'm working on it!
If I get time I'll come back to this with some good links, but try looking in Wikipedia about the things I mentioned. C-ya, peace.
At 2:27am on November 12, 2008, Emett said…
Yes, and I can more easily work with that... thanks! I can't wait to get it back to you, I'll add more potential sponsors and those whom we'd also like to link to support and work with... I'll write a basic promo page to send to businesses, and it'll include an invite to to make a profile here for people to check out and link to their main site from... onward...
At 1:21pm on January 9, 2009, Emett said…
Long silence for you, everything OK? Peace, your friend, -e
At 11:18am on January 12, 2009, Emett said…
Thanks for the note, and you were right, only They said something a little different...

About this site: you know what I need next better than anyone out there, Mr Focus. Products for the Wizard, Wizard Code, and promotion... The forum called Unpollute Checklist is based off one of your original pages in the Unpollute Power Point Presentation, I just added stuff and reformatted it. (Pages of which can be added here if you can think of a way. I want you to use your admin privileges and make tabs or pages, forums, or what ever to reflect that last PP I sent you... dude, I have to admit your computing skills out shine mine own!) Use the checklist forum to see where we're at... leave a comment please. I'm pretty much trying to make an (green) internet presence for myself and hoping that will bring people this way... I've joined what feels like a few too many sites, and I'm trying to have a positive and hopeful voice while plugging this site here and there...

If I find out I lost my job when I go I in tonight... well, that'll be tough on J and the family, but I think I can do so much more with this site and ideas that I won't even be sad, and that'll freak J out even more.... -lightspeed, e
At 11:41pm on November 16, 2010, Emett said…
Every time I use that rain scanner I have to thank you... Today the rain is light and shifty, whereas usually it blows through in an orderly fashion. Interesting... So how do we do the zipcode input part for individual users around and about the US?
At 8:02am on November 17, 2010, Daniel Korman said…
Dont know I would have to look at the coding or different scanners, that one I took off a new web page and cannot remember where from.

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The Unpollute Charter and my Highest Aspiration: to get cleaner air by giving you money to enable nonpolluting modes of transport and sustenance. Carbon offset credits to the people... that's the idea I call Unpollute!

13 discussions

Sustenance and Sustainability

What we eat and how it got to us, how it was grown, prepared, and/or packaged all matter. Sustainable products and industries will resist inflation and make the world and us healthier at the same time...

15 discussions

Zero Emissions Vehicles

Bikes, eBikes, Segways, skate boards, running shoes... Electric: cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, and even airplanes...

12 discussions

Zero Emissions Power Generation and Storage

Political, Scientific, and Technological advances discussed here. Links to great articles...

21 discussions

Green It Up

We already know that being "Greener" saves money and helps nature, but what green choices make the most impact? Link up your favorite green site or your blog here!

11 discussions

Bicycle Commuting / Cycling / Less Driving

So nice that I consider it a privilege and a luxury, bike commuting sounds challenging, until you just do it... Info to speed you along the learning curve of biking and non-car transport...

17 discussions


The solutions start with the reality. The reality is sobering....

8 discussions

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