Forward to the Zero Emissions Future
Steel water bottles are a start.
Where are the plastics (other than everywhere)? And, How do you stay way from Petrochemicals in your life?
Lets also get into alternative cleaners... What's good and green and how do we use them? I think steam and hot or boiling water is a good food-for-thought starter here.
Looking forward to your input, thanks! -e
Oh wow! Steel and Silicone Drinking Straws are a thing now. Great options are already out there and this gets rid of an entire class of single use disposable plastic -in it’s full-life-cycle- toxic items.) I believe cleaning up the oceans was one of the main factors in getting some broader public attention on the issue. Get them from Target, Ross, Fred Meyer /Kroger, and most point of use places (at least here in Portland...)!
Clean with: water, salt, vinegar, and or baking soda or borax, and or peroxide depending. Careful with the Steam, it's hot! I over-steamed the toilet once and melted the wax seal somewhat, it leaked! Gross!
Elbow grease, sweeping… plus i sure love the vacuum cleaner! :)
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The Unpollute Charter and my Highest Aspiration: to get cleaner air by giving you money to enable nonpolluting modes of transport and sustenance. Carbon offset credits to the people... that's the idea I call Unpollute!
13 discussions
What we eat and how it got to us, how it was grown, prepared, and/or packaged all matter. Sustainable products and industries will resist inflation and make the world and us healthier at the same time...
15 discussions
Bikes, eBikes, Segways, skate boards, running shoes... Electric: cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, and even airplanes...
12 discussions
Political, Scientific, and Technological advances discussed here. Links to great articles...
21 discussions
We already know that being "Greener" saves money and helps nature, but what green choices make the most impact? Link up your favorite green site or your blog here!
11 discussions
So nice that I consider it a privilege and a luxury, bike commuting sounds challenging, until you just do it... Info to speed you along the learning curve of biking and non-car transport...
17 discussions
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